Sample diagrams

simple diagram

blockdiag {
   A -> B -> C -> D;
   A -> E -> F -> G;

label attributes to nodes and edges

New in version 0.9.2: Add textcolor attribute

blockdiag {
   // Set labels to nodes.
   A [label = "foo"];
   B [label = "bar"];
   // And set text-color
   C [label = "baz"];

   // Set labels to edges. (short text only)
   A -> B [label = "click bar", textcolor="red"];
   B -> C [label = "click baz"];
   C -> A;

style attributes to nodes and edges

New in version 0.9.0: node.icon attribute

New in version 0.9.2: node.textcolor attribute

New in version 0.9.5: node.width and node.height attribute

New in version 0.9.6: and supports dashed_array format style

blockdiag {
   // Set boder-style, backgroun-color and text-color to nodes.
   A [style = dotted];
   B [style = dashed];
   C [color = pink, style = "3,3,3,3,15,3"]; //dashed_array format style
   D [color = "#888888", textcolor="#FFFFFF"];

   // Set border-style and color to edges.
   A -> B [style = dotted];
   B -> C [style = dashed];
   C -> D [color = "red", style = "3,3,3,3,15,3"]; //dashed_array format style

   // Set numbered-badge to nodes.
   E [numbered = 99];

   // Set background image to nodes (and erase label).
   F [label = "", background = "_static/python-logo.gif"];
   G [label = "", background = ""];
   H [icon = "_static/help-browser.png"];
   I [icon = ""];

   // Set arrow direction to edges.
   E -> F [dir = none];
   F -> G [dir = forward];
   G -> H [dir = back];
   H -> I [dir = both];

   // Set width and height to nodes.
   K [width = 192]; // default value is 128
   L [height = 64]; // default value is 40

   // Use thick line
   J -> K [thick]
   K -> L;

branched edges

New in version 0.7.5.

blockdiag {
  // branching edges to multiple children
  A -> B, C;

  // branching edges from multiple parents
  D, E -> F;

direction of edges

New in version 0.5.5.

blockdiag {
  A -> B <- C -- D <-> E;

edge folding

New in version 0.6.1.

blockdiag {
  A -> B -> C -> D -> E;

  // fold edge at C to D (D will be layouted at top level; left side)
  C -> D [folded];


blockdiag admin {
   // Set M17N text using label property.
   A [label = "起"];
   B [label = "承"];
   C [label = "転"];
   D [label = "結"];

   A -> B -> C -> D;

   // Use M17N text directly (need to quote).
    ->  ->  -> ;

   // Use M17N text including symbol characters (need to quote).
   "春は 曙" -> "夏 = 夜" -> "秋.夕暮れ" -> "冬 & つとめて";


If you write diagram including multibyte characters, you have to use UTF-8 as charset and set truetype fonts to fontpath. More details, see Font Configuration or Configuration File Options (for Sphinx).

shape of nodes

New in version 0.6.6: actor shape

New in version 0.8.2: dots shape

New in version 1.1.0: square shape and circle shape

blockdiag {
  // standard node shapes
  box [shape = box];
  square [shape = square];
  roundedbox [shape = roundedbox];
  dots [shape = dots];

  circle [shape = circle];
  ellipse [shape = ellipse];
  diamond [shape = diamond];
  minidiamond [shape = minidiamond];

  note [shape = note];
  mail [shape = mail];
  cloud [shape = cloud];
  actor [shape = actor];

  beginpoint [shape = beginpoint];
  endpoint [shape = endpoint];

  box -> square -> roundedbox -> dots;
  circle -> ellipse -> diamond -> minidiamond;
  note -> mail -> cloud -> actor;
  beginpoint -> endpoint;

  // node shapes for flowcharts
  condition [shape = flowchart.condition];
  database [shape = flowchart.database];
  terminator [shape = flowchart.terminator];
  input [shape = flowchart.input];

  loopin [shape = flowchart.loopin];
  loopout [shape = flowchart.loopout];

  condition -> database -> terminator -> input;
  loopin -> loopout;

Using stacked attribute

New in version 0.8.2.

blockdiag {
  // Set stacked to nodes.
  stacked [stacked];
  diamond [shape = "diamond", stacked];
  database [shape = "flowchart.database", stacked];

  stacked -> diamond -> database;

Using dots shape

New in version 0.8.2.

blockdiag {
  A -> B, C, D;

  C [shape = "dots"];

  // hide edge forward to dots node
  A -> C [style = "none"];

grouping nodes

New in version 0.5.3: label attribute for group

New in version 0.6: nested groups

New in version 0.7.5: group definition within node-attributes

New in version 0.9.2: textcolor attribute

New in version 1.0.1: shape attribute

blockdiag admin {
   A -> B -> C -> D;
   A -> E;
   A -> H;

   // A and B belong to first group.
   group {
      A; B;

   // E, F and G belong to second group.
   group second_group {
      // Set group-label
      label = "second group";

      // Set background-color to this group.
      color = "#77FF77";

      // Set textcolor to this group
      textcolor = "#FF0000";

      E -> F -> G;

      // H and I belong to third "nested" group.
      group {
          label = "third group";
          color = "#FF0000";

          // Set group shape to 'line group' (default is box)
          shape = line;

          // Set line style (effects to 'line group' only)
          style = dashed;

          H -> I;

   // J belongs to second group
   J [group = second_group];

font settings

New in version 0.9.7: fontsize attribute

blockdiag {
  // Set fontsize
  default_fontsize = 20;  // default value is 11

  A -> B [label = "large"];
  B -> C [label = "small", fontsize = 11];  // change fontsize of edge-label

  A [fontsize = 32];  // change fontsize of node-label

  group {
    label = "group label";
    fontsize = 16;  // change fontsize of group-label


diagram attributes

New in version 0.7.2: default_shape

New in version 0.9.1: default_node_color, default_group_color, default_line_color (deprecated)

New in version 0.9.2: default_text_color (deprecated)

New in version 1.0.0: default_textcolor, default_linecolor

blockdiag {
  // Set node metrix
  node_width = 200;  // default value is 128
  node_height = 100;  // default value is 40

  // Set span metrix
  span_width = 240;  // default value is 64
  span_height = 120;  // default value is 40

  // set default shape
  default_shape = roundedbox;  // default value is 'box'

  // set default colors
  default_node_color = lightblue;
  default_group_color = "#7777FF";
  default_linecolor = blue;
  default_textcolor = red;

  A -> B [label = "Use long long\nedge label"];
  A -> C;

  group {

define classes

New in version 0.9.7: (experimental)

blockdiag {
  // Define class (list of attributes)
  class emphasis [color = pink, style = dashed];
  class redline [color = red, style = dotted];

  A -> B -> C;

  // Set class to node
  A [class = "emphasis"];

  // Set class to edge
  A -> B [class = "redline"];

portrait mode

New in version 0.7.0.

blockdiag {
  orientation = portrait

  A -> B -> C;
       B -> D;

portrait group

New in version 0.7.4.

blockdiag {
  A -> B -> C;

  group {
    orientation = portrait

    C -> D -> E;

Simple diagram for master data manager

blockdiag admin {
  index [label = "List of FOOs"];
  add [label = "Add FOO"];
  add_confirm [label = "Add FOO (confirm)"];
  edit [label = "Edit FOO"];
  edit_confirm [label = "Edit FOO (confirm)"];
  show [label = "Show FOO"];
  delete_confirm [label = "Delete FOO (confirm)"];

  index -> add  -> add_confirm  -> index;
  index -> edit -> edit_confirm -> index;
  index -> show -> index;
  index -> delete_confirm -> index;